Second Trimester

Mid-Pregnancy: The planning time

There’s still quite a bit of your pregnancy ahead of you, but the second trimester can be a time where you really enjoy your pregnancy.  The aches and pains of the first months ease and you’re not yet big and uncomfortable.  Reaching the second trimester is a milestone.  You may now feel confident that this baby really is on the way, and start sharing the news with family and friends.  If you’re working, you may now want to share the news with your boss and colleagues.

Don’t worry about getting fired or demoted as a result of announcing that you’re pregnant – it’s against the law to discriminate in any way against expectant and new mothers.  But be prepared for mixed reactions from your colleagues – some could be less enthusiastic than you.

Thinking ahead: feeding your baby

It may seem very early to be thinking about how to feed your baby, but this is one of the most important decisions you will ever make on your baby’s behalf.  It is very important to have this information while you are pregnant, and to be informed about where you can access support after the birth if needed.

There are many benefits to you and your baby if you chose to breastfeed.  For some women, however, it is not possible to breastfeed for medical reasons or due to medications they may be on.  You may wish to discuss this further with your LMC.

Compared to a baby who is fully breastfed, a baby who is formula fed is:

  • five times more likely to be hospitalised with vomiting and diarrhoea
  • five times more likely to suffer from urine infections
  • twice as likely to suffer from chest infections
  • twice as likely to suffer ear infections
  • twice as likely to develop allergies, especially where there is family history
  • 20 times as likely to develop a serious bowel disease if born prematurely.

Breastfeeding also benefits mothers: you will have an earlier return to your pre-pregnancy weight, and a reduced risk of ovarian cancer and pre-menopausal breast cancer if you breastfeed.  Check out our Breastfeeding section for information on Breastfeeding basics, positions, expressing and more.

Childbirth Classes

Be aware that childbirth education classes are hot in demand and book yours early!  Go to to contact a centre near you.