29 Weeks Pregnant
What’s happening this week
Your baby…
- measures about 26 cm (CRL)
- may weigh about 1.3kg
- bone marrow now completely in charge of red blood cell production
- fetal movements may change to more elbows and knees, hard jabs and punches, than the previous gymnastic type movements you were feeling.
- may find that your breasts are still getting larger
- contact lenses may be uncomfortable as the moisture in your eyes alters
- may feel your internal organs are crowded.
You may have noticed you start to slow down about now. We offer you some tips to help with tiredness and explore some other side effects of pregnancy you may have noticed.
Of course you’re feeling tired. Your body is working hard to keep your baby growing and developing, you’re carrying extra weight, and you may still be working or looking after older children. Don’t overdo things – it’s not good for either you or the baby if you go on to the point of exhaustion. Use these five ways to pace yourself:
- work for a bit, rest for a bit
- listen to what your body is telling you – if you get breathless, it means it’s time to stop
- remind yourself that eating little and often is good for you – take a break to have an apple, a box of raisins, or a drink of milk
- have a look at the tasks you need to do – is there someone else who could do them or share them with you? Perhaps you and a friend could take it in turns to collect older children from school or pre-school, for example, or perhaps your partner could push the supermarket trolley
- if something doesn’t get done that you wanted to do, tell yourself it’s a good way to get used to the early days with a new baby, when it will seem like you never finish anything you set out to do!
Heavy breasts
Your breasts are getting ready to produce milk for your baby. You may find they leak small amounts of the first milk which is called colostrum. This is a creamy yellow colour and although there is not much of it, it’s full of antibodies which are good for your baby. If you find you do leak a little, use a breast pad inside your bra.
It’s worth buying a good support bra as your breasts get heavier, too. Many shops now offer bra-fitting services, so you can make sure it’s comfortable before you buy it. Look for wide straps that can be adjusted and a high percentage of cotton for comfort. You may also find you need to wear a bra at night now to stay comfortable.
Skin Changes
While some women are enjoying the famous pregnancy ‘bloom’ around now, others draw the short straw and get the infamous pregnancy rashes, spots and skin dryness. Darker skin patches, caused by pregnancy hormones, are also fairly common. Darker skin on the forehead, nose, and cheeks is called ‘chloasma’, or ‘the butterfly mask of pregnancy’. The darkness will gradually fade after your baby is born.
Check with your LMC if you notice any changes in the colour or size of a mole on your skin, to make sure it is just a side effect of pregnancy.
Do you find that you drop things all the time? Trip over your own feet? Clumsiness is caused by the changes in your body – you’re carrying more weight, and your fingers, toes, and other joints are all loosening due to pregnancy hormones. So remember to take extra care when climbing stairs, or when walking on wet, icy, or uneven surfaces.
If you have a fall, remember that your baby is well protected by the bones of your pelvis and the waters she’s floating around in. However, you should contact your LMC just to make sure everything is all right.
Absent-mindedness is a classic side effect of pregnancy. But forgetting where you left your car keys, missing birthdays, or constantly losing your glasses can be very irritating. Try some tricks to help remember what’s important: write down reminders for yourself, keep a daily calendar, put down items you use often, such as keys, in one place only.
Watch your back!
The hormone relaxin has softened your ligaments and this, combined with your growing bump, can put a strain on your back as you move into the last few weeks of pregnancy.