35 Weeks Pregnant
What’s happening this week
Your baby…
- may weigh around 2.3kg
- is gaining weight steadily, this week begins the most rapid period of weight gain – 226-340 grams each week
- has lungs that are almost fully developed.
- you may have trouble sleeping due to backache, frequent bathroom visits or discomfort
- may start to feel uncomfortable if the baby’s weight presses on the nerves in your legs and pelvis.
Late pregnancy discomforts
Late pregnancy can be a pretty uncomfortable time. The baby keeps on growing, getting a little bit bigger each day, and your body has to adjust. We’ll help you cope!
Short of breath?
The baby is now high up under your ribs, and this can make you feel quite breathless. In a week or two the baby may slip down into your pelvis and give you a little more space. Meanwhile, you might find it easier to sit in a straight-backed chair rather than an armchair.
Feeling full?
You may find it quite hard to eat properly. Your stomach is squashed and, even though you are hungry, you may feel full after only a couple of mouthfuls. Eat little and often (and try to make sure that everything you do eat is good for you!).
Heartburn is a problem for some women. Again, eat small meals, avoid spicy foods or anything else that seems to cause it, and talk to your LMC about what over-the-counter remedy to take.
Still awake?
As your bump gets bigger, you may find it hard to get to sleep. Try lying on your side with your top knee resting on a cushion. This prevents any pressure on your bump, but you might also need more room in bed. Warn your partner now that they will have to move over!
You will have your hands full when the baby arrives, so battle boredom by spending time on activities that make you feel good. Warm baths, candlelit dinners, trying out new recipes… things you won’t have so much time for when you’re looking after your new arrival.
Top tip for feet
Finding shoes that are comfortable can be tricky – if you’re buying new ones, shop for them late in the day when your feet are most swollen. That way, they’re less likely to pinch.
Hairstyle tip
Get your hair cut into an easy-to-manage style in late pregnancy. You’ll have little time for blow-drying after the baby is born!
Demand feeding
Healthy term babies may not feed very much in the early days. They have special stores that they can use until your milk comes in. Some newborns are quite sleepy too. New research shows it is important to demand feed regularly in the first 72 hours particularly, and thereafter for 40 days to increase the prolactin receptors (responsible for milk production).
Breathing techniques
When you’re tense, your breathing becomes shallower and your chest feels tight. You may start to feel panicky and light-headed. In labour, you want to avoid this happening and ensure that you and your baby have a steady supply of oxygen. During your pregnancy, start to become more aware of your breathing patterns. Whenever you feel tense, notice what’s happening to your breathing. Then take a deep breath, sigh out and relax. Use the techniques taught in your antenatal classes.
Thinking ahead: childcare
It may seem odd to start considering childcare before your baby has even arrived, but you can start thinking now about your plans if you’re going back to work.
- book places in childcare centres if you are interested – they go quickly
- start talking to other parents and parents-to-be
- check a childcare centre near you
- think about prices/what you can afford.
Make a checklist of important factors when you start thinking about childcare:
- how will you get there? Car? Public transport? How easy is it to reach by either form of transport?
- who will be collecting and dropping off? If it is near one your workplace it may make it harder for the other partner to be involved?
- do you want home or outside based care?
- do you want a nursery or home-type environment?
- does your employer offer any subsidies or vouchers for a childcare centre?
- do any local nurseries feed into schools that you are interested in?
It’s never too soon to start your search for the right childcare for you and your baby!
Chock full of calcium
Calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth – yours and the baby’s. Try these five ideas to make sure you get enough more.