Getting Pregnant

Are you thinking about starting a family? Or perhaps you’ve already started trying? Wherever you are on your baby-making journey we’ve got the information you need to boost your chances of getting pregnant and make sure you have a happy, healthy pregnancy.

In this section you’ll discover lots of interesting facts about fertility and how babies are made. You’ll also pick up useful tips to maximise your chances of conception, from pinpointing when you are ovulating to important lifestyle changes you can make.

Of course, trying to get pregnant doesn’t always work overnight. If you’re taking a little longer to conceive than you’d hoped, we can help there too. We’ve got all the latest info about ovulation kits, fertility tests and what help your GP can offer.


Read our tips on getting pregnant to help boost your chances.


Pregnancy tests

Buying a home pregnancy test is almost as exciting as buying that first pack of nappies, ready for your baby's birth.  And seeing a positive result appear is a moment you'll never forget.