
Health Checks

Your health professional may ask you to take your toddler for a general check up. Each visit gives you the opportunity to discuss parenting, family issues, your child’s health and development (like nutrition, breastfeeding, sleep, safety, behaviour, growth, hearing and vision). Even if you are sure your child is fine, it is a good idea to have the check up.

It is important you should maintain these check ups for your toddler with your health professional.  Even if you’re sure your child is fine, these checks may uncover a problem while still in it’s early stages, which is the very best time to be put  right. If you do have a concern, perhaps about your child’s sight or hearing, don’t wait for the check-up call Plunket Line – or see your doctor, or other health professional, straight away.


PlunketLine has a toll-free telephone advice service available to all families, whanau and caregivers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Call 0800 933 922

For information about Immunisations click here

For information about the diseases we immunise against in New Zealand click here