
In my role as a Pregnancy Consultant, I have used the ‘Your Pregnancy’ Bounty pack over the past 10 years or more as a teaching tool to the 60-70 pregnant women I see each month in their first trimester.  It is true to say it would be difficult to find another product to equal it.

Women are often confused at the unsolicited conflicting information they are fed by well meaning friends and they find Bounty unbiased, practical, informative and clear without overloading them with too much information.

-Raewyn Burnham.  RGON.RM Altair Consultancy


I give the pregnancy and post natal Bounty pack to all of my women.

It is a great education tool covering all the essential information for women and their families in pregnancy and following birth.

Many will discuss the things they have learned (or the products/ads they have seen.)

As a midwife, a NZ publication which is updated regularly such as ‘Your Pregnancy’ and ‘Your Baby’ is essential for education and information.

-Suzanne Mills, Midwife, South Auckland


The whole book is fantastic and holds a wealth of information.

Your Pregnancy information has been the best – not too much information, but just enough to give you an idea of what is happening and what you need to know.

A great resource to give out to our pregnant patients!

-Karen Practice Nurse Ruakaka


Very informative for pregnant mums-to-be.

-Fiona, Nurse, Whangarei


I like reading about what stage my baby is at and my body is at. I look forward to reading it every Sunday! It is my number one consultation book.

I have received a couple of books from friends but have not had to open them yet as your publication covers everything if not more.

I find the publication excellent. I like to know the sorts of things I can expect each week. Also I have referred to it several times on issues that I have had.

-Mum to be


Good morning,

Yesterday my husband and I went to our doctors and they confirmed our pregnancy and we were given one of your packs.

I just wanted to thank you SO much it made an exciting day even better for my husband and I, we both went home and read through it all. It was so nice to come away from the appointment with a bunch of goodies like we were officially welcomed into a special group.

We have been trying for a year and to finally get the amazing news that we are pregnant is such a relief and a blessing.

Thank you for everything and I can’t wait to get the next one when we finally get to meet our little one.

Much love and thanks

-Mum to be


The ladies really enjoy the packs. Love the books on what to expect

-Valerie Independent MW


I’ve signed up to all mums-to-be to websites including Bounty, but Bounty is the best one as it is more informative.

I usually read my Bounty book first and if I need more information I either  jump online or call my midwife. Bounty is a good guide, a good starting point.


Prize draw

Thank you so much and it very exciting to win a prize from Bounty!!!! I am so happy and I have appreciated receiving the Bounty packs through out the different stages of my baby’s growing up.

It has been very lovely to be given samples and gifts and booklets containing valuable information. I have enjoyed using the samples and found myself buying the actual products when I did my shopping. I believe that if it had not been for your Bounty packs I may have not been introduced to many of the lovely products you sample out in the Bounty packs.

Thank you again and I wish you wonderful week!!! I know you have made my week one to be happy about!

Kindest regards and warmest wishes



I won the pregnancy prize pack for the month of July and wanted to extend my appreciation and say a huge thanks!  It was like Christmas when the many boxes full of goodies arrived on the door step.  The packages arrived last Thursday and the following day I went into labour and our son Oscar was born – must have been the excitement from opening the boxes the day prior!!!

Thank you again

-Saana Taylor


Hi there

I went past the Bounty stand at the Parent and Child show over the weekend, the lovely ladies there gave me my bounty pack and I have loved it!
I did ask at the hospital and later on about getting my pack but didn’t get it? Perhaps it was because she was a month prem…not sure.

Anyways, thank you so much for my Bounty Pack, I think it’s definitely a benefit to other new mums



When I had any worries I could go straight to my Bounty book and read up to make sure everything was on track, it was very helpful in reassuring me that everything was ok

I loved the week to week columns!!!  It’s cool to have a booklet to refer to weekly. I also like the Q&A section as well as the competitions you can enter. Very helpful for first time mothers.

I think it’s awesome having a weekly guide to see what’s going on inside that week. Helpful as well if you’re having side effects and not sure if its usual or not.
