Week 6

What’s happening this week

Your baby….

  • is about the size of a single peppercorn (usually measured from crown to rump as embryo is curled up and makes full length measurements difficult = CRL)
  • is developing tiny buds that will become arms and legs
  • brain and nervous system developing rapidly
  • optic vesicles developing along sides of the head (eventually eyes)
  • inner ear begins to form, so does the larynx
  • beginning of digestive and respiratory systems forming
  • has a heart the size of a poppy seed, beings to beat around this time and can be detected by ultrasound scanning.


  • for some the full force of pregnancy symptoms may “hit” this week
  • areola (dark pigment around the nipples) may darken
  • placenta begins to exchange nutrients and remove waste – two circulation systems are completely separate.