Postpartum Contraception

Once you have your baby it can be a good idea to start thinking about contraception to give your body time to recover before falling pregnant again if you are wanting to continue growing your family.

Methods of contraception 

Some contraception can be used immediately after your birth but most are not recommended until 6 weeks as your hormones balance out. 

  • contraceptive implant 
  • depo provera injection 
  • progestogen-only pill
  • condoms 
  • intra uterine device (IUD) 
  • combined oral contraceptive pill 
  • emergency contraceptive pill 

Lactational Amenorrhoea Method 

Breastfeeding can also be a form of contraception for the first six months after giving birth. However be aware you may ovulate before your first period after having your baby so there is a risk of pregnancy. To be used as an effective contraception, the woman must be less than 6 months post partum, amenorrhoeic (periods have not yet returned), and are fully breastfeeding (i.e. no other liquids given in addition to breastfeeding). The risk of pregnancy increases when the frequency of breastfeeding decreases. For example, if stopping night feeds, bottle feeds, expressing milk or dummy use. 

    If you have any questions about postpartum contraception speak to your LMC, GP or contact Family Planning. 

    Long-Acting Reversible Contraception

    Long-Acting Reversible forms of contraception (LARC) are forms of contraception that don’t require you to take action everyday.

    Explore LARC options