Week 22

What’s happening this week

Your baby…

  • measures about 19cm
  • can now hear your voice – if you talk, read or sing to your baby
  • the skeleton is developing rapidly as the bone forming cells increase their activity
  • taste buds have started to form on the tongue
  • fetus can feel touch as brain and nerve endings are forming
  • baby boy’s testes have begun to descend from the abdomen
  • baby girl’s uterus and ovaries are in place and vagina is developed.


  • may find this an enjoyable time of pregnancy – the aches and pains are fading and you’re not too large to be uncomfortable
  • libido may be increased.

This is a good time to think ahead for what you’ll need for your baby – even if, like many mothers, you don’t want to start buying anything yet. If you are working, your progressing pregnancy may mean some adjustments at work.