Perineum/Vulva care
Perineum/Vulva care
- you may not experience any tearing or grazing of the skin after birth but will still feel tender, swollen or bruised. Others may experience tears and some episiotomies. For most women, these heal very well after birth thanks to it being very vascular down there! There are lots of ways you can stay as comfortable as possible while helping your body heal
- change your pads frequently after birth to keep the area as clean as you can (remember to not use tampons in the first 6 weeks after birth to reduce the risk of infection to your uterus)
- use frozen pads. Soak with some water (you can add witch hazel too) & then freeze. These often make a bruised, swollen or tender perineum much more comfortable in the first few days following birth. Applying an ice pack for no more than 10 minutes at a time (and at least 4 hourly) to the perineum can ease discomfort and help reduce any inflammation. There are some herbal preparations such as hypericum cream may also help healing and provide comfort. Try to do pelvic floor exercises as often as you can, this helps to increase blood flow to the area and encourage healing
- a witch hazel based perineal spray to aid healing. Try get a bottle than you can spray upside down too!
- arnica drops can help the body in healing (to reduce bruising, and stimulate tissue repair)
- warm baths can be relieving (you can also use a sitz bath or bath soak with herbs and essential oils)
- use a squeezy bottle or peri bottle to pour warm water on your perineum when you pass urine; this most helpful if you have had an episiotomy or tear
- ural sachets to reduce the acidity in your urine. Drink this straight after birth and continue a few times a day
- donut cushion to sit on if you’re finding it difficult to be seated
Caring for your perineal tear
Tears that require stitches (which will usually dissolve in 1-2 weeks) can be quite sore and good hygiene is important in the days after birth. Showering at least once a day and using only water to carefully clean the perineal area is recommended – pat gently to dry the area with a clean towel. Sanitary pads need to be changed regularly. Drinking lots of water can help with avoiding constipation. A healthy diet with fibre – such as fruit and vegetables – is recommended. Regular pain relief can also help.