House Safety
Time to cruise round your house at child level.
- check for top heavy items like table lamps, bookshelves, chairs that might fall if pulled by your child
- any electrical cords or outlets within reach? Install plastic plug fillers to keep prying fingers out, especially at floor level
- check that no electric jug, or iron cords are dangling
- cords attached to drapes and blinds? Hook them up out of reach of your child
- time to dispense with table clots and use table mats instead
- fireguards need to be in place
- use safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs
- fit safety glass in low level glass doors
- are all doors and windows lockable?
- your bedroom – are there any pills lying around?
- keep alcohol locked in a cupboard
- have you moved poisonous house plants out of reach or disposed of them?
Accidents are preventable so think ahead!
In the Kitchen
- cleaning materials, bleach, dishwasher powder – all need to be in a cupboard out of reach at all times
- keep sharp objects such as knives and glass out of reach at all times
- never leave pots with the handles extending over the edge of the stove
- never allow young children to play with matches
- mop up spills that could cause your child to fall on a slippery floor
- install childproof catches on the fridge and kitchen cupboards
In the Bathroom
- medicines and perfumes should be in a high, locked cupboard
- cleaning materials need storing well out of reach
- always empty the bath immediately after use
- never leave plugged hairdryers in the bathroom. If possible have a door handle or latch out of reach of your “cruiser” sot that the door can be kept closed.
Iron tablets often come in containers without childproof lids and are frequently kept handy so you remember to take them. BUT they could be lethal for your child. Just TWO iron tablets can be enough to kill a toddler. Keep iron tablets and all pills out of reach.
- Ensure there is a safe, fenced area away from the driveway for outdoor play
- the swimming pool must be fully fenced and fully comply with local council fencing requirements
- in addition to pool fencing, ensure there are no pot plants or other objects a child could use to climb over the fence
- always supervise when your child is in a paddling pool. The water should be emptied immediately after use
- keep garden tools in a locked shed. Always keep paint cleaners and pesticides in their original containers. Never store them in soft drink bottles
- take care not to plant poisonous plants
- make sure there are no matches left round a barbecue for children to play with
- be sun safe – wear hats, cover up between 11 – 3, and apply sunscreen.
Wise Advice
- everyone in your house, including young children should know how to dial 111 in an emergency
- don’t leave your child alone on any surface such as a changing table, kitchen bench or sofa
- never leave your child unattended, even for a few seconds, when they are in water. They can drown in a few centimeters of water in a very, very short time
- never carry your child while you are also holding a hot drink
- watch for small objects – pieces of Lego, bits from older children’s toys – that may be within reach of your child
- keep plastic bags away from small children
- keep your child out of walkers – they have been responsible for many accidents
- keep your child out of direct sunlight in the middle of the day.