Week 36

What’s happening this week

Your baby…

  • may be about the size of a world cup rugby ball
  • could measure around 50 cm from head to toe
  • sleeps, dreams, wakes and kicks
  • may start to move further down into your pelvis, getting ready to be born (this is called lightening)
  • the bones that make up your baby’s skull can move relative to one another and overlap each other while your baby’s head is inside your pelvis – it helps the baby pass through the birth canal.


  • may be able to breathe a little easier as the baby moves down into your pelvis
  • could need to use the toilet a lot from the pressure on your bladder
  • heartburn may improve due to the baby’s movement downward too.

You’re into the final month – and probably glad to have the finishing line in sight! We’ll help you get ready to cross it!