Week 1-4

What’s happening this week

Your baby…                                                                                                                                                                                                          

  • is called an embryo 
  • is the size of a grain of sand
  • consists of two layers of cells
  • amnion develops which will fill with amniotic fluid to surround and protect the embryo
  • yolk sac develops producing blood and nourishment until the placenta takes over.


  • are already technically four weeks pregnant by the time your period is due
  • the embryo continues to implant into your uterus
  • start to produce hCG – a hormone that helps maintain the lining of the uterus – signals to the ovary to stop releasing an egg each month which in turn stops your periods – causes some pregnancy symptoms, ie fatigue, breast tenderness or nausea.

You may suspect you’re pregnant even before you take the test. That’s because your hormones go into overdrive very early on! Most practitioners recommend women planning a pregnancy should supplement their diet with 0.8mg daily of folic acid, at least one month prior to conception and continue until 12 weeks gestation.  Discuss this with your GP as some women require higher doses.