Breastmilk and how your body produces it
Breastmilk is designed specifically to give your baby all the nutritional needs for the first six months of life and provides protection against some infections.
How your body produces breastmilk
The female breast anatomy consists primarily of mammary tissue, but it also contains milk-producing glands called lobules. These lobules hold tiny sacs known as alveoli and are linked by a network of thin tubes called ducts. The milk is made in the alveoli, when your baby feeds these alveoli contract pushing milk into the ducts and out via the nipple into your baby’s mouth. During the first days of breastfeeding the breastmilk is called colostrum, which contains a large amount of proteins and antibodies. You may have leaked a few drops of this thick, yellowish substance during the final weeks of your pregnancy (some women may have noticed this in the early months of pregnancy). The precious, easily digestible liquid is full of disease-fighting antibodies called immunoglobulins that strengthen your baby’s immune system. It also acts as a laxative, which helps to clear out meconium (the first dark-green motions) from the baby’s bowels.
Newborn babies take only a teaspoon or two of milk per feed in the first few days, since their stomach is very small and colostrum is a very rich food that is high in protein. After a few days colostrum begins its transition into mature breastmilk. Your milk is increasing in volume daily to meet your baby’s needs. This is an important time to demand feed. It takes 14 to 21 days before you have mature milk.