Around 6 months your baby may

  • grasp and hold toy in one hands
  • transfer toy to other hand
  • raise rattle to mouth
  • sit with support for a short time
  • roll over and back
  • bear weight and bounce when held in standing position
  • hold on to cup handles and attempt to drink
  • make lots of new noises, click their tongue, blow raspberries.
  • imitate a cough
  • copy poked tongue
  • laugh or squeal in annoyance
  • use double syllable sounds (adah, ahgoo)
  • turn to direction of parents voice

You can encourage development by

  • playing interactive games – peek a boo
  • offering more floor play with large, brightly coloured balls. Soft washable ones are best
  • introducing toys such as a teddy bear or rag doll, squeaky animals (without removable parts), floating bath toys.
  • giving her empty plastic containers, with lids to put on and off
  • reading to her from brightly coloured, large books